Mark Eric Primuth
December 14, 1993 – Present

St. Johns Cathedral Byzantine Church – Parma, OH

Betty was very involved with the church. Her home parish was St. John’s cathedral. It would be a rare occurrence to not see her at the Sunday morning service in the third pew on the right side of the church. Betty helped out after church as a counter for the weeks donations and hosted many youth events over the years with her children and grandchildren. She was a leading figure with the ladies guild hosting lunches, dances, and various fundraisers with the church.
Byzantine Eparchial Choir
A proud member of the Eparchial Choir. The choir would sing at all major events during the church group. At one time, the choir had over 50+ members. It was just as much of a family gathering to her as it was a social group as Betty was able to sing with her best friends, kids, and even able to get her grand kids involved.
Her position in the choir was soprano and favorite song was Hallelujah.
Being a Grandma
Irene could always be found at every fundraiser for her grand kids. She was at every music concert, sporting event, and activity no matter the weather. It was safe to say that the only reason she wasn’t able to make it to a grand child’s event was because the grand kid forgot to let her know it was going on!