Mark Eric Primuth
December 13, 1993 – Present
Fun Facts about Mark Primuth
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Don’t feel pressure to change the world in one day, it takes patience and time to achieve your dreams.
Don’t become a workaholic, life will always have work but there will only be so many times to experience fun.
Don’t be afraid of the unknown, any time I’ve did something I was afraid of it turned out to be a great opportunity to learn or have fun
- Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard
- TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More
Chipotle. Meal is in this exact order: Bowl (to-go), both rices, pinto beans, chicken (steak if feeling like treating himself), fajita veggies, mild tomatoes, corn, sour cream, lettuce, chips if extra hungry, water cup but actually fill it with Mr. Pibb Extra
Non alcoholic drink – Cherry Coke, Water.
Alcoholic drink – Kentucky Bourbon Ale if luxury. Bud Light if getting hammered.
Parks n Recreation, Friday Night Lights, Narcos
Mark didn’t learn to ride a bike until Age 21. His excuse for not learning was that he ran everywhere or was driven to his friends houses whenever he needed to go anywhere.
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His most important sports moment was taking up playing tennis his freshman year of high school. Before playing tennis, Mark was a hot head and would get frustrated easily. When he got frustrated, he would take it out on the opponents or give up. However, in tennis he quickly realized that whenever he made a mistake it was his own fault and if he showed anger he would look really dumb on the tennis court slamming a racket into the ground or throwing a temper tantrum. It was this experience that really changed his mindset on how to handle his frustration and to keep his emotions in check.